HomeInstructions for submitting
Preference Form online:
- Candidates are advised, in their own interest, to go through the Instructions contained
therein before actually submitting the online Preference Form
- BOPEE is seeking Preferences from such candidates who have qualified for NEET MD/MS/PG
Diploma and MDS, 2021 and have been asked to fill in the Preference Form online
- The online Preference Form enables a candidate to fill in the preferences for various
disciplines/institutions for allotment of a seat for admission in MD/MS/PG Diploma/MDS,
2021 in State Medical/Dental Institutions/ Private College as the case may be
- Candidates need to login into the application using the same username
and password which was used while filling up of registration form.
- During the online filling up of Preference Form, the candidates will get all the
details of the disciplines available viz-a-viz the institutions
- Candidates are permitted to conduct Mock exercise (rehearsal) of filling up of the
preferences and this shall be available till such time as may be notified by the
Board. The objective of this is to give the candidate a clear idea with regard to
his preferences
- While conducting Mock exercise, a candidate should also keep the State merit list,
which must have been declared by then, in mind so as to have a fair idea of the
merit obtained by him/her vis-à-vis other candidates
- This will facilitate candidates to fill up the final Preference Form in a hassle
free and relaxed manner
- Candidate should select his/her most preferred preference first along with the College
of preference followed by second, third, fourth and so on for the said course
- The second preference for the discipline shall be given by the candidate by choosing
the college preference as above
- This preference shall be available till all the preferences/ colleges are exhausted
by the candidate
- Candidate will be required to fill up at least one preference for a discipline/college
and without entering any preference the candidate will not be able to proceed further
- Candidates can modify the preferences selected by them till such time they do not
finally submit/lock the Preference Form, after which the candidate will not be able
to modify the same
- The candidate shall have to deposit a Fee of Rs. 2000 online and after
submission of online fee the preference form of the candidate will be locked.
- Candidates will get sufficient time to fill in the Preference Form and should not
be in a hurry while filling up the Form. This system has been evolved to facilitate
candidates to fill in the form online without approaching the BOPEE office in person.
- Candidates who have submitted the form online shall, however, be required
to download/print at least one copy of the Preference Form for retention by the
- Candidates should remain in touch with the BOPEE website for update, if any, in
this regard
- For further information please see the Technical information as under:
- Please read the instructions carefully.
- Submitting Preferences:
- Candidate must lock the preferences before the last date; candidates will not be
able to lock their choices after the last date.
- Click on “Subject” link after logging in.
- Select disciplines candidate wants to apply and then click on “Select” button.
- Selected disciplines available in the college will be shown in the “disciplines
available box”
- Candidates are advised to select disciplines as per their preferences from “disciplines
available box” and clicking on “>>” button to set their preferences, disciplines
chosen will be shown in the “disciplines assigned box” with preference selected.
- If a candidate wants to remove the preference he/she can do so by selecting the
preference from “disciplines assigned box” and clicking on “<<” button.
- Preferences select by the candidate will be saved automatically; candidate will
get the operations performed by him/her whenever he/she logs in to the Application.
- Candidate can also see the preview of the preferences selected by him/her by clicking
on “Preview” button and can also take the print out of the same for their perusal.
- Candidate can add and delete preferences anytime but before last date and before
locking their preferences.
- If candidate wants to lock his/her choices, click on “Submit” button; a preview
of choices will be shown and if he/she is satisfied with his/her preferences locked
him/her then by clicking on “Submit” button the Preview Page of selected choices
will be locked.
- Once a candidate locks his choices then no modification can be done
in the preferences selected.
- Candidates will be given the option to “make payment” of fee online only after the
choices are locked, Fee must be paid before the last date of fee submission.
- Candidates can submit fee after locking their choices and clicking on
subject tab.
- Only those Applications will be accepted having choices locked and have
fee submitted on time, Applications failing this criteria will be rejected.
- Making Fee Payment:
- Fee will only be paid online before the last date of fee submission.
- Fee payment option will be given only after candidate locks his/her preferences.
- Click on “make payment” button, candidate will be redirected to Payment Page and
make payment by choosing any available option.
- Payment Receipt will be generated after payment is successful.
- Candidate can take print out of the payment receipt.
- Result Card:
- Candidate can print his/her Result Card only after the State Merit is prepared by
the BOPEE; the same will be intimated through email.
- To print Result Card login to your account and go to Profile tab, click on “Print
Result Card” button at the bottom of the page.
- Password forgotten:
- Candidate can reset password of their account by going to login page clicking on
“Forget Password” link, after entering StudentID and Date of Birth and Email will
be sent to the email ID of the candidate
- Click on the link in the mail, candidate can now set new password.